Partnerships between knowledge institutes, private companies, citizens, NGOs, and governmental organizations in a Living Lab configuration have presented an innovative form of transdisciplinary collaboration. The INVEST Alliance, driven by its vision of sustainable futures, aimed to leverage the Living Lab approach in regional innovative platforms. Living Labs, characterized by their openness and user-centric nature, have garnered significant attention and require careful consideration.
In this webinar, the conceptualization of Living Labs was explored, encompassing aspects such as definition, interpretation, and expectations of Living Lab approaches. The webinar specifically addressed the position paper authored by the INVEST4EXCELLENCE partners, providing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
The presenters, Dr. Loes Witteveen and Dr. Jan Fliervoet from the research group Communication, Participation & Social Ecological Learning (CoPSEL) at Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, shared their expertise and insights during the session. Their presentation offered valuable perspectives and contributed to the discourse surrounding Living Labs.
The webinar provided attendees with a deeper understanding of Living Lab approaches and their implications. By engaging with the insights and discussions presented, participants were equipped to further explore the potential of Living Labs as transformative tools for collaboration and innovation.