On 3 March 2023, the webinar entitled “What are Living Labs?” took place as part of the INVEST training programme. The webinar got underway with presentations by Dr. Loes Witteveen and Dr. Jan Fliervoet of the Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences. The goal of the webinar was to deliver information on Living Lab approaches and, in so doing, it addressed the position paper authored by the INVEST4EXCELLENCE partners entitled “The transition towards regional sustainable futures: a position paper on exploring a transdisciplinary view on the INVEST living lab approach” (2022).
To help viewers grasp what Living Lab approaches actually involve, Dr. Witteveen invited them to consider why people are on a quest for new approaches. This led to a discussion of contemporary transitions, such as climate change or Corona pandemic, and how people responded to them. The urgency, uncertainty and complexity of these issues compels people to think across boundaries, Dr. Witteveen explained, and requires a future vision on a sustainable society. For further context on Living Lab approaches, Dr. Witteveen gave the example of virtual learning as a result of the pandemic. Dr. Witteveen proceeded with a close reading of the paper, “The transition towards regional sustainable futures: a position paper on exploring a transdisciplinary view on the INVEST living lab approach”, pointing to the value of transdisciplinary research and bringing forth the idea that science, education and society are no discreet entities. discreet entities. This in turn, explains, the Living Lab approaches, according to Dr. Witteveen, which often operate in a territorial context and promote collaboration and learning between science government, business and citizens. Lastly, Dr. Witteveen cited the Living Lab Enrekang in Sulawesi, Indonesia, as exemplary of a transdisciplinary integrated approach.
Questions were then led by Dr. Fliervoet. Crucial issues were raised, including questions related to the differences between Living Labs and innovative platforms as well as transdisciplinarity. Overall, the webinar offered a rigorous and necessary opportunity for the participants to discuss many central concerns of Living Labs.